The 1st of January Autocares Julia started operating SEAT workers’ transportation service. This new agreement, which has a duration of five years and two more extendable, consists of more than 35 routes from different areas of the province of Barcelona with itineraries to the three working centers located in Martorell, Zona Franca and El Prat de Llobregat. Coinciding with the four shifts of the company (three production shifts and one office shift), more than 4.000 workers are transported daily in 425 services and annually the numbers will reach the 52.000 journeys. This service is offered by a fleet of 56 coaches per shift.

This new service operated by Autocares Julia has meant the acquisition of 35 new coaches, as well as the hiring of 70 new drivers, which includes an investment of approximately 7 million of euros.

In this first phase of the service, Autocares Julia has made an important bet on new technology aboard the coaches. It includes free WIFI in all vehicles, video monitoring cameras and a system of passenger control through readers that facilitates the occupancy of every line in the different shifts fact that means an improvement of the service for the workers. Autocares Julia has also developed a mobile app which offers a real-time location of the buses.

According to the director of Autocares Julia, Javier Lachner, this agreement ‘is a big challenge on the logistic and operational levels and it is an excellent opportunity to permute and optimize our services. It also lets us enhance one of the core bets in the last few years as it is the introduction of new technologies aboard our coaches’. Autocares Julia has a great experience in collective transportation of important companies (IVECO, IBERIA, LAE, EADS, CARGILL, MERCK SOLVAY, etc.). In any case, the management of the transportation of SEAT workers has become the most important service with these characteristics for the company in Catalonia.